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Intelligent, Data-Driven, Emerging & Adaptive Systems Technology (IDEASTech) Laboratory
at Louisiana Tech University
We work to increase awareness about the significance of resilient and sustainable built environment in our society. The objective is to disseminate the cutting-edge science and technology at the intersection of structural mechanics, energy harvesting and data analytics. We are interested in engaging the students in educational outreach activities as part of the broader impact of our research projects. The primary focus of our undergraduate education and outreach activities will be to encourage under-represented minorities to pursue STEM. We engage the Science and Technology Education Center (SciTEC) at Louisiana Tech University to promote outreach through lectures, in-class demonstrations at high schools, and hands-on exposure activities pertinent to structural engineering, sensing systems and data science.
Associate Editor, Measurement, Elsevier
Reviewer for journals: Structural Health Monitoring - Sage, Structural Control and Health Monitoring - Wiley, Engineering Structures - Elsevier, Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Expert Systems with Applications - Elsevier, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence - Elsevier, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing - Elsevier, Journal of Sound and Vibration - Elsevier, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation - Elsevier, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering - ASCE, Neural Computing and Applications - Springer, Fire Technology - Springer
Professional Organizations
Associate Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Member, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI)
Member, ASCE Structural Engineering Institute (SEI)
Member, American Concrete Institute (ACI)
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